The Ultimate Beginner's Guide to Kickboxing at 9Round Lee Vista

The Ultimate Beginner's Guide to Kickboxing at 9Round Lee Vista

Are you curious about kickboxing but not sure where to start? Kickboxing at 9Round Lee Vista is a fantastic way to combine cardio, strength training, and self-defense techniques into one efficient workout. Whether you're looking to get in shape, learn self-defense, or find a new way to relieve stress, our kickboxing workouts offer numerous benefits. This guide will walk you through the basics of kickboxing at 9Round, including techniques, terminology, and what to expect in a class. Plus, we’ll provide beginner tips on getting started and what equipment you’ll need.


The Basics of Kickboxing

Kickboxing is a high-energy workout that incorporates punches, kicks, and knee strikes. At 9Round, we combine elements from various facets of exercise, including kickboxing, cardiovascular endurance, bodyweight strength training, weight training, plyometrics, and SAQ into our unique 30-minute circuit workouts. Here are some key techniques and terms you’ll encounter:


1. Jab: A quick, straight punch thrown with the lead hand.

2. Cross: A powerful straight punch thrown with the rear hand.

3. Hook: A punch thrown in a circular motion, targeting the side of the opponent’s head or body.

4. Uppercut: A punch thrown upwards, aiming for the opponent’s chin.

5. Front Kick: A straight kick aimed at the opponent’s midsection.

6. Round Kick: A powerful kick where the attacker swings their leg in a sideways motion, targeting the opponent’s head or body.

7. Knee Strike: A strike using the knee, often aimed at the opponent’s midsection or head.

8. Side Kick: A kick where you pivot on your standing foot and extend your other leg out to the side, aiming to strike with the blade of your foot.

9. Shin Kick: A low kick aimed at the opponent’s legs, typically using the shin for impact.



1. Fighter Stance: Your starting position; typically, your feet are shoulder-width apart, with one foot slightly in front of the other.

2. Guard: The position of your hands when defending your face and body.

3. Combination: A series of punches and/or kicks thrown in sequence.

4. Bag Work: Practicing strikes on a heavy bag or punching bag.

5. Pad Work: Practicing strikes one-on-one with a trainer on either the hand pads, thai pads, or shield. 

6. Rounds: Our workouts are divided into nine 3-minute rounds, each focusing on different exercises and techniques.


What to Expect in a 9Round Class

9Round classes are structured to give you a full-body workout while teaching you the fundamentals of kickboxing. Here’s what a typical session might look like:

1. Warm-Up: Classes usually start with a warm-up to get your heart rate up and prepare your muscles for the workout. This includes a jump rope and various different dynamic stretches.

2. Circuit Training: Our unique 30-minute circuit is made up of nine 3-minute rounds, each featuring a different combination of kickboxing techniques, strength training, and cardio exercises.

3. Technique Drills: You’ll learn and practice various punches, kicks, and combinations. Our trainers will demonstrate techniques and provide feedback to help you improve.

4. Bag Work: You’ll spend time practicing your strikes on a heavy bag, double-ended bag, horizontal bag, and speed bag, focusing on power, speed, and accuracy.

5. Trainer-Led Drills: Some rounds include working directly with a trainer, who will hold pads for you to strike, helping you simulate the movement and timing of a real opponent.

6. Cool Down: The class will end with a cool-down session, including stretching and breathing exercises to help your body recover.


Tips for Beginners

Starting kickboxing can be intimidating, but with the right approach, you’ll quickly feel more comfortable and confident. Here are some tips to help you get started at 9Round:

1. Start Slow: Don’t push yourself too hard in the beginning. Focus on learning the correct techniques and building your fitness gradually.

2. Listen to Your Body: Pay attention to how your body feels during and after workouts. Rest if you need to, and don’t ignore any pain or discomfort.

3. Practice Regularly: Consistency is key. Try to attend classes regularly to build your skills and improve your fitness.

4. Ask for Help: Don’t hesitate to ask your trainer for tips or clarification on techniques. They’re there to help you learn and improve.

5. Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water before, during, and after your workouts to stay hydrated.


Equipment You’ll Need

As a beginner, you don’t need much equipment to get started with kickboxing at 9Round. The best part is we have everything required to work out right here in our studio, so we eliminate the guesswork! Our 9Round branded equipment is curated to make sure you have optimal performance while training with us. Here’s a list of essential gear that you will need from us:

1. Gloves: Kickboxing gloves protect your hands and wrists during strikes. Look for a pair that fits well and provides good support.

2. Hand Wraps: These are worn under your gloves to provide additional wrist support and protect your knuckles.

3. Comfortable Clothing: Wear workout clothes that allow you to move freely and are comfortable.

4. PULSE Heart Rate Monitor: The PULSE heart rate monitor helps you track your heart rate during workouts, ensuring you’re working within your target heart rate zone for maximum efficiency and safety.



Kickboxing at 9Round Lee Vista offers a rewarding and empowering workout that delivers both physical and mental benefits. By understanding the basics, knowing what to expect in a class, and following our tips for beginners, you’ll be well on your way to mastering this dynamic sport. Our unique 30-minute circuit workouts are designed to fit into your busy schedule while providing a comprehensive fitness experience. Join us today and start your kickboxing journey towards a stronger, healthier you!