Grocery Store Secrets: 3 Tips To Be A Smarter Shopper In 2023

Grocery Store Secrets: 3 Tips To Be A Smarter Shopper In 2023



Grocery stores have a psychological reason for the way they're set up. For example, a grocer might sell milk at cost because it can almost guarantee you'll pick up some high-margin items on your way out. 

This week, we want to share with you our favorite food shopping hacks!


Shop with a list

Rule #1 of any shopper. Use a list and STICK TO IT! 

When you know what you're going to buy and don't add anything extra to the cart, you'll save money and calories! When we say, "that looks good," or "That's new; I should try it." We veer off the path we set for ourselves. 

Write a list of items you need to prep for your meals (and family) and stick to it! Not on the list, not in the cart. #win


Shop the edges

Shop the perimeters of the grocery store to avoid processed foods, empty calories, and unnecessary temptations! 

All the whole foods will be on the outer walls of the store. Things like: Fruits, veggies, dairy, meat, eggs, and more! 

Avoid end caps and stacked displays. They catch your attention with new or yummy items (that usually could be better for you).

Don't get deceived into the snack isles, hoping to find some "healthy" labeled snacks or 100-calorie packs. If you need to dive into the inner isles, refer to tip #1 - stick to the list!

Less processed = more nutritious! 


Don't shop hungry

What is more tempting than a store full of food when your stomach is growling? 

Should an alcoholic go to the bar to test their resolve to refrain?

It's always been a mystery why they would put a Mcdonald's inside a Walmart. People have full carts, but they still line up for a quick fix!

Then why would you go hungry to the grocery store and stretch your self-discipline to the max?

All food looks yummy to the hungry tummy even if you have a list and are shopping the edges (follwing tips 1 & 2); if you're hungry, then there is less reason to resist. 

Simply eat a snack or meal before heading out. Save yourself the buyer's remorse and be well feed before entering the lion's den! 

There are many other practical ways to grocery shop well. Both aimed to keep you on track nutritionally and financially. Remember, the grocer wants you to buy! 


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