Three Things Better Than A Beach Bod

Three Things Better Than A Beach Bod

It's more than common knowledge that your summer body is made now. However, we've identified 3 things that are better than looking like a 10 on the beach this summer, and we want to share them with you this week. 


3 Things Better Than A Beach Bod


You may assume that having rock-hard abs would mean your self-confidence is sky-high. However, that is a false assumption, and there is a more sure way to boost your self-confidence. 

Show up at the gym every day (or whatever your predetermined goal is) will build sky-high self-confidence in no time! The psychology behind this rationale is that when you follow through on what you intend to do (aka showing up), your mind has more confidence in itself (self-confidence). 

The quickest formula to a self-confidence boost is to show up at the gym on those tough, too-hard-to-be days! 

Less Stress

Walking down the boardwalk shirtless because you're loud and proud of those abs might seem like a glory walk. However, there is another thing that tops that on our list this week - having less stress in your life! 

Who cares about a beach body when you are so stressed that you can't sleep at night? It seems like everywhere you turn, the topic of mental health, stress, and burnout are flashing before your eyes. So how can you easily reduce stress? You guessed it - exercise!

Countless studies prove that regular exercise is a surefire way to instantly reduce stress in your life. The boost of endorphins coupled with the anxiety-reducing effects of a blood-pumping workout is the best thing you could ask for to reduce stress in your life. 

Having Friends 

Who wants to be that lonely guy or gal that looks like a supermodel? Nobody! Friendship, social interaction, and laughter are worth more than any magazine cover body could be. 

We are created to be social creatures. By nature, investing in friends, family, and community is something humans find great joy in. When we interact with each other, we connect and satisfy a deeper part of our being. 

You can multiply your gains by working out with a friend! Enjoy the benefits of self-confidence, reduced stress, and friendship, all by hitting the gym with a buddy. Now that's killing three birds with one stone! 

This week's email is geared to reframe your perspective about what you should value about an exercise program. Far too often, we only workout to lose weight or for vain/aesthetic reasons. When you develop more meaningful reasonings with your "why" for exercise, it is more likely to continue as a habit you value in your life! 

We are here to help you in any way possible! 

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9Round Raleigh - Falls River Ave is locally owned and operated. Our service is to your community, and we find superior joy in helping others reduce stress, build self-confidence, and find community. Stop by and say hello to discover why we've been helping so many people just like you for 9 years!