90 Day Winter Pass

If you're a woman looking to get fit and lose weight this winter, you should consider signing up for a 90-day pass at 9Round kickboxing gym. Our workouts are specifically designed for women and are a great way to lose weight fast and get in shape. Plus, our team of the best personal trainers in San Antonio will ensure you work towards and achieve your fitness goals.

At 9Round, we believe that fitness should be fun and that's why our workouts are always changing. This means you'll never get bored and you'll always be challenged. Plus, because our classes are designed to accommodate all fitness levels, you can start at your own pace and work up to more challenging workouts as you get stronger.

So why wait? Sign up for a 90-day pass today and start your journey towards a healthier, happier you.

With 9Round, you'll be on your way to achieving your fitness goals in no time - call today!


P.S. 90 Day pass ends 12/24/2022.